Happy Girl Scout Week! On Sunday, March 12th, Girl Scouts celebrated its 111th birthday and kicked off Girl Scout Week. To celebrate, GSHH's Girl Experience team has put together a week of exciting activities and videos center on the Girl Scout Promise and Law that will serve as fun activities for your and your Girl Scouts and will help strengthen their connection to the Girl Scout Movement.
All Week - Girl Scout Week Selfie Scavenger Hunt
Sunday - 3/12: Happy Birthday Girl Scouts
Monday - 3/13: Make your World Green!
Tuesday - 3/14: Do a Good Turn Daily!
Wednesday - 3/15: Try Something New!
Thursday - 3/16: Take Part in History!
Friday - 3/17: Make the World a Better Place!
Saturday - 3/18: Learn about another faith!
Make sure to share your photos as you complete the Girl Scout week activities with GSHH on social media, or email to jdonohue@girlscoutshh.org.