Girl Scouting offers a plethora of Awards and recognitions for girls – no matter what their interest: Service, leadership, faith, safety, global engagement, etc.
Here is a list of some of the Awards girls can earn through GSHH, GSUSA, WAGGS, or their affiliates:
Bridging Awards: The Bridging Award is available at every level of Girl Scouts and has two components: Pass It On and Look Ahead. Requirements can be found in the Girl Guide to Girl Scouting for each age level.
My Promise, My Faith: Girls of all grade levels can now earn the My Promise, My Faith pin developed by Girl Scouts of the USA. This pin, which girls can earn once a year, complements existing religious recognitions and allows all girls to further strengthen the connection between their faith and Girl Scouts. To earn the pin, girls carefully examine the Girl Scout Law and directly tie it to the tenets of their faith. Specific requirements can be found in the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting.
P.R.A.Y: In addition to the “My Promise, My Faith” Award, girls may also choose to earn and wear PRAY pins developed by the National Interfaith Council. Each religious organization/committee develops and administers its own program. The To Serve God, religious recognitions brochure, shows the religious recognition that have been created by various faith groups. You can find this brochure, a video that explains the religious recognition programs, and other resources for collaborating with the faith community at P.R.A.Y. Publishing. Any of these pins may be worn as part of the Official Girl Scout Uniform.
World Thinking Day Patch: World Thinking Day is celebrated on February 22nd of each girl in order to honor the global connection of Girl Scouting. World Thinking Day not only gives girls a chance to celebrate international friendships, but is also a reminder that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Each year the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) sponsors a patch with a different theme. Requirements vary by age level so please be sure to read the requirements online.
Global Action Award: Girls of all age levels can earn the Global Action Award developed by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) for taking action to reduce extreme poverty and impact major world concerns by 2015 by taking on one of the 8 United Nation Millennium Development Goals (Ending hunger and poverty, Education opens doors, Empowering girls, Helping children survive, Keeping mothers healthy, Preventing diseases, Saving the planet, and Promoting peace through partnership). To get involved, check out GSUSA's website for age-level appropriate activities.
By earning the Global Action award, girls can learn, in a fun and educational way, about serious global issues affecting girls, young women, and their communities.
Community Service Awards: Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts can earn age-level Community Service Bars. Please refer to the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting for the requirements.
Meritorious Service Awards: Every Girl Scout is prepared to do heroic things! These two awards, available at every age level, recognize when a girl has done something exceptional – such as saving someone’s life. These awards are only given out by GSUSA from a council nomination.
Safety Awards: Girls of all grade levels can now earn the Safety Awards, designed to teach them important safety skills relevant to their age. Each level has five steps ranging from practicing drills, learning First Aid, and discovering bike or outdoor safety skills. Requirements for that age level can be found in the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting.
Junior Aide: The Junior Aide patch is for Junior Girl Scouts who have acted as a mentor to their younger sisters in Scouting by showing them what they have learned. They earn their award by working with Daisys or Brownies to complete one of their Journeys. There are three steps that can be found in the Junior Girls Guide to Girl Scouting book.
Program Aide: The Program Aide pin is for Cadette Girl Scouts who have taken a council-designed leadership training course and then shared their passion, skills, and experience with younger girls over a minimum of 6 activity sessions. All girls going for this pin must first earn at least one LiA Award (see below). Please reference the Cadette Girl Guide to Girl Scouting for complete details.
Leadership in Action (LiA): This Patch is for Cadettes who have assisted a Brownie Troop with any of their Journeys. The patch requires that girls share their organizational skills, use their special talents, teach activities from the Journey, and reflect on the experience. Complete requirements can be found in the Brownie Leadership Journey adult guides.