Operation Cookie Drop 2024
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Date: Sat Jun 15 2024, 9:30 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT
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Operation Cookie Drop 2024 - Saturday, June 15th.

Please bring your Op Drop cookies, donated to our military, and and do a morning of service with fellow scouts making things for veterans in hospitals, care packages for active duty service men and women, packing pallets with cookies for injured soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland! We will also be collecting non perishable items for veteran food pantries, and school supplies to fill backpacks for veterans/military children!

Please RSVP to opdropcookies@gmail.com with counts of girls who are going to attend.

Thank you to all who can help...I will need leaders to help run tables/and cadette and older scouts who want to display/explain their military/veteran projects please let me know!